Bathroom Makeover. One Room Challenge Spring 2021-Week 4

We are half way through the challenge and things are getting real. I knew this would be a difficult week for me, I had a birthday, surgery and last week of school so I wasn’t able to make much progress. Even though I didn’t get to finish tracing the grid on the wall, I was able to paint it and install the light fixture. Small wins are still victories.


The light fixture and light color on the walls have already made such a huge improvement to the perception of the bathroom. I just love the contrast between the matte black and the white/gray color on the walls. Can’t wait to see how the other colors will add dimension and personality to the room.

Wish I had more updates to give, but this is the process. Some weeks you slay and others you stay behind. However, I am determined to finish as much as I can this coming week and show you all a decent progress picture.

Until then make sure you follow me on Instagram to stay in touch. Leave some encouragement in the comments below and, don’t forget to check out the 20 talented featured designers for this challenge and you can go to this link to follow other participants and cheer them on as well.

Be stellar,
